palaMOUNTAINS products are scientifically formulated to deliver a powerful dose of an essential range of essential vitamins & minerals for improved animal health and well-being.
Professor Brian Wilkinson - Massey University
Delivers specifically formulated vitamins and nutrients to assist with overall animal health with a nil withholding period.
palaMOUNTAINS products contain water and fat soluble vitamins, which is effectively solubilised in the emulsion. Because they have been dissolved the nutrients are readily absorbed offering greater uptake of nutrients by the animal.
Fat soluble vitamins require fat in the system to assist with uptake. palaMOUNTAINS provides this polyunsaturated fat source.
Vitamins are passively taken up by cells in the gut wall, maximising nutrient uptake.
Double bond attachment. Iodine chemically reacts with the fatty acid bond providing significantly higher uptake into the body than other water based products.
palaMOUNTAINS products contains back to basic natural ingredients with a high absorption rate. What goes in stays in to be utilised.
All products are formulated and ingredients extensively researched by Massey University’s Food Scientists primarily to support the nutritional requirements of animal health. The range of palaMOUNTAINS products specifically target certain animals and provide the building blocks for healthy and vitality through healthy digestive systems.
Selected nutrients are then added to each product range to assist with targeted health issues and deficiencies.