Mating is a critical time on the farm as it impacts the performance of the flock for the upcoming season. Low body condition and nutritional deficiencies can negatively affect ewe and ram fertility. Ewe ovulation rates and the chances of delivering a healthy lamb are maximised when vitamins and trace elements are balanced.
Freer & Dove (2002) suggests that the nutritional status of the ewe immediately prior to ovulation affects the ovulation rate. Improved nutrition of specific nutrients (volatile fatty acids, glucose, branched-chain amino acids) indirectly enhances nutrient sensitive hormones to activate a reproductive response.
In addition, Beef + Lamb (2013) suggests it is essential to correct trace element deficiencies of Selenium and Iodine prior to mating as deficiencies in Iodine reduce reproductive performance, and embryonic losses are reduced by ensuring Selenium levels are balanced. There is a critical window at pre-mating where ewes can be supplemented to improve health and reproductive performance and increase embryo survival.
The technology used in palaMOUNTAINS Revive allows for the solubilisation of these essential nutrients to assist in delivering and restoring optimum levels in the ewe.
palaMOUNTAINS Revive with added Selenium & Iodine will support significant fertility advantages in stock that are deficient.
What to feed your herd and when: